Sunday, December 01, 2013

Saturday night thoughts.

I did a lot of resting today. Classes at Jade Mountain went well, I picked up a few things at HEB, aired up a tire, and since then I've been pretty sedentary. We watched some movies as a family, I did some reading, lots of internet surfing, and even managed some dozing. Oh, and I threw one load of laundry around.

That's about it. Not the most productive day ever.

I don't feel guilty about it at all, though. I need an occasional day like that...even the most beautiful music has rests, and I need lazy days once in a while. Tomorrow will be a bit busier, there's always a giant To Do list nipping at my heels. Maybe we'll hit the Renaissance Festival, though...I'm sure there are a few chores that can wait a day or so.

Not really a lot to say tonight, maybe because it's bedtime. I'm enjoying reading the Pendergast novels by Preston and Child, I'm looking forward to structuring some good workouts this week, blah, blah, blah...nothing major, really. An actor died in a car cash today. I didn't follow him at all, but recognized his face from his movies. Car crash at age 40. Sad. One would think that something like that would make me want to really use my time better, not 'waste' it by having such a lazy day as I have today. However, even though my day was 'lazy', I was very present in it. I chose my actions today, as I always do, and I did exactly what was wanted and needed. I rested and spent time with my family. And it was good.

Tomorrow, might be a super-busy day, or there might be some more 'laziness'. Or maybe even a combination of the two. In any event, I'm thankful for every moment.

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