Sunday, April 20, 2014

Good or Not So Good, It's MY Story!

I started writing the story of Brunar the Mage, Mordak the sorcerer, and the Guardians waaaay back in 1993.  I've been pretty lazy about finishing the story...I'd bump up against a spot I didn't 'see' in my head and I'd just take a break.  Sometimes, that break would last for years, so I have yet to finish it.  Even so, the characters are alive and well in my head, and their tale is always rolling along in there.  After so many years, I'm so familiar with the characters that they seem like old friends, and I LOVE the story.  If asked about it, I can get pretty excited about the whole thing.  I know what's happening right now, I know what happens 20 years later, and also what happens around 2000 years previous to this tale.  It's an exciting world, and I thoroughly enjoy it.

"An evil sorcerer breaks free of his ancient prison, and it falls to a wise Mage, Brunar, and a handful of untrained Guardians to oppose him.  Using the power of six magickal spears, the Jidaan, Brunar trains his new pupils so that they may be strong in the fight against the unbridled evil and insanity of Mordak.  While one Guardian refuses the call, the others struggle to control their newfound powers and battle Mordak's growing hordes of monsters and vicious, cannibalistic Krell.  When Mordak unleashes his true might, the noble Mage and the Guardians will be fighting for their lives."

Or something like that.  The bad guy is really, really bad.  The good guys are pretty good, all things considered.  They are each skilled at various things, but most aren't fighters, and are hugely intimidated by the task for which they are Chosen.  There are elves (Weya), little monsters (Gholans), big monsters (Killiths), zombies, demons, combat, love, magickal princesses (ok, just one of those), sea voyages, deep, dark forests, cursed cities, and all the other stuff that I've enjoyed about fantasy novels over the last 30-plus years.  I'm writing a tale that I, myself, would enjoy.  So there you go.

The challenge is in getting the rest of it down so that maybe others can read it.  I love telling people ABOUT the story, but I really need to just tell the story itself.  That takes a certain amount of discipline, and although I've only got a hundred other things going on, I'm feeling more motivation lately to devote the necessary time to this project.  I'm almost finished with the formatting for book one, and I have some wonderful folks who have expressed interest in creating cover art for me, so I'm planning to get it uploaded to soon.

I have absolutely no illusions, I am far from the best writer out there.  I'm no Dennis McKiernan, that's for sure.  However, based on what I've read from some of the authors on, I'm fairly certain that I'm not the worst, not by a long stretch.  I just want to paint a picture that brings readers close to what's in my head.  If folks can enjoy the tale even a little bit, then I'll feel as though I've succeeded, and that I've done something worthwhile.  Reviewers can be brutal, but that's fine.  Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.  In any event, I'll soon be able to share it, so folks can think what they may.  Admittedly, I do hope that readers enjoy it.

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