Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Writing, Training, More Writing

Yes, I've finally been able to get back to writing lately.  'Gart's Road', or Book 2 as I tend to call it, is moving along at last.  It took a month or so to get settled in here at JMMA's new location, but things are up and running smoothly now, so I can turn my focus back to the story.

I'm obviously not the fastest writer on the planet.  This occasionally frustrates me, but more often, I just enjoy the process however fast or slow it happens.  I've been stuck at one spot for a long time and I was thrilled to finally get through the scene and start looking at other areas of the story.  It's like watching a movie only 5 minutes at a time!  I'll get there eventually.

Things are about to get pretty hairy for my characters...there is about to be a large-scale assault on a city and its castle.  The fighting is going to be ferocious and intense, and I can tell you that it's going to be rough for the good guys.  Will they all make it?  I'll only give you this hint...George R. Martin, I'm not, but I'm not averse to seeing good guys die if that's what I see in the story in my head!

In other news, training is going well.  I haven't had a bit of chocolate on a day other than Sunday for over a month now, and I've kept off the handful of pounds I've lost.  Another lacrosse game is coming up this Saturday and I've got sprints planned for today in preparation.  I'll never be as fast as I once was, but my stamina is still pretty good, and I'm bound and determined to stay as mobile as possible.

Back to work here...I'll keep you posted.  Feel free to drop me a comment or an email anytime, I love hearing from folks out there.

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