This story follows a few of the characters from the Fire of the Jidaan Trilogy. They're older now, but I think you'll still recognize them. ;-)
An aging warrior, once a wiry young man whose skills in combat had become legendary, now spends his days behind a desk. However, those who test him discover that he's not over the hill just yet.
An elderly former thief, finding peace in the simple life after a devastating war, still feels the power of his magick running through him, a reminder of what he once was.
Married and settled, another former fighter has set up shop in an inn, running a mercenary contracting service. Life is good, but she longs for the sounds of combat and the feel of weapons in her hands.
A young woman, a human adopted by the wise Weya and trained in the ways of the bow and the skills of a Ranger, constantly trying to prove herself among her fellows. The magick within her is growing, yet she struggles to keep the power hidden.
Out of the blue, all are struck by a powerful vision, an intense experience that sends them all on the path toward a confrontation with the most powerful Mage in the Realm. Gart was once a Guardian, but he has become obsessed with a forbidden rite that could reunite him with his love, or destroy the world. Evil forces stand in his way, but then, so do his old friends. Can they help him see his own folly? Or will Gart unleash an overwhelming power on an unsuspecting world?
Read The Forge Born Duology to find out! Coming soon!
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