Tuesday, February 26, 2008

70 Questions

1. Would you bang your neighbor?
That would be a 'no.'

2. What describes your last relationship?

4. What's the last movie you saw?
Spiderwick Chronicles

5. I've come to realize the last person who held my hand:
is a wonderful little guy...he's my son, by the way.

6. What is your middle name?

7. Who have you talked to most today?

8. Do you carve pumpkins every year?
Not every year, no.

10. Color of your shirt?

11. I'm always...
looking forward to the next workout...and next meal!!

12. Who's on speed dial 2? 4? 6?
Don't do speed dial.

14. Whats your favorite season?
Toss up between Fall and Spring

15. How do you feel right now?
Extremely happy about my life.

16. Are you a bad influence?
No, I really do try to be a good one.

19. Would you do anything for someone else?
Depends on who it is and what it is.

20. Have you ever been called a bitch?
Only by a fellow with whom I don't speak anymore.

22. What is your ringtone?
Walk Away by Kelly Clarkson. Stop that laughing!

23. What song is on?

24. Are your grades good?
I've been out of school for years, but I was a very good student.

25. Do you hate anyone/anything?
Getting mellow in my pre-middle-aged years, so no.

26. Does your best friend have a myspace?

28. Last time you went out to lunch?
Yesterday...yay Pho Mai!

33. Do you have one or more Britney Spears cds?
Hell no!!!

34. What did you do last night ?
Taught Kung Fu class, and stayed up late talking to Larry.

35. Are you a "Lost" fanatic?

36. Say you were given a drug test right now. Would you pass or fail?
Definitely pass.

37. Do you have a song by Ozzy Osbourne in your library?
Don't think so.

42. What's the last thing you bought?
Gas for the hybrid.

43. What's the last thing someone bought you?
Vivi bought me popcorn...how sweet!

44. Do you ever sing in the shower?

44. Whats your favorite movie?
To name a few...Galaxy Quest, Princess Bride, and 300.

48. Do you believe everyone has a soulmate?
All I know is that I found mine.

49.Can you sing well?
Hmmmm....not well enough to sing in public, but my wife likes my singing.

53. Are you ever a freak about cleanliness or organization?
Uh, no.

54. Have you ever been to South America or Africa?

55. Do you know how to knit?
What? No.

56. Do you have a job?
Yep...and I love it!!!

58. What are you doing right now besides this survey?
Looking forward to a shower...I stink from this morning's run.

60. Baskin Robbins or Coldstone?
Not much for ice cream.

61. Physics or chemistry?
Physics, I guess.

62. Facebook or Myspace?

63. Do you wear any jewelery?
Occasionally, I wear my wedding ring.

66. Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, or Star Wars?
Star Wars, then LotR, then HP.

67. Fly or road trip?

68. Batman, Spiderman, or Superman?
Spiderman. He's got good Kung Fu.

69. What's your favorite Disney movie?
Shoot, I forget which is from Disney...Toy Story was great, though.

70. Plans for tonight?
Teach class, do my core workout, and pick up my fabulous wife from the airport!!

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