Sunday, June 22, 2008

Busy, busy, busy....

It seems that my fabulous wife and son won't be in until sometime Tuesday, so I'm here alone for a few more days. That's OK...I've been using the time to get some stuff done that has really needed doing.

Here's a short list of stuff I've managed to accomplish:

Get the oil changed in the car.
Stuff two punching bags at JMMA.
Get my new mp3 player up and running. Yay! ( got mine off Ebay for $80!)
Update the JMMA's not totally done yet, but there's progress.
Wash, fold, and put away 98% of the laundry in the house.
Clean the kitchen. Including the junk drawers...WOW, there was a lot of crap in there!
Rearrange the dining room.

There still remains the rain gutters I'm planning to install, but that'll wait until Tuesday or so. I miss my family a ton, but I figure it's better for me to be happily busy than to mope around and get nothing done. Hey, that rhymes.

Now, I'm going to go finish the laundry, get some dinner, and read the new Eddie Bravo book I just bought, Mastering the Twister. I've been working on his Rubber Guard techniques for a while now, and although I'm far from a master, I'm really enjoying the process. Thanks to my friend and BJJ instructor, Paul Thomas, I had the chance to participate in a seminar with Eddie a few years back, and I was really impressed with his technique. Now that I've progressed a bit in my own grappling training, I can appreciate even more what kind of innovations he's brought to the world of grappling and BJJ. I'm looking forward to continuing my study of his system.

So now I'd better get back to work. I figure I've got around six hours before I should get to bed, and that's a lot of time to get stuff done!

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