Saturday, September 20, 2008

Happenings, feelings, and my freakin' strong boy...

It's been a busy week around here, in many ways. Hurricane Ike left quite a bit of stuff to do, and many of us were lucky in that we only had to contend with gas shortages and power loss. My ailing father returned home from the hospital yesterday, and is feeling more perky today (more on that later). There have been some major adjustments at my martial arts school that I won't go into here, save to say that I'm looking into the future with renewed enthusiasm and freedom, but there's also a bittersweetness to that whole situation.

Here's what happened with my strong son today. His fantastic Mom is away at a scrapbooking retreat this weekend, so Monkey's been with me. Generally, he's pretty well-behaved at my school, and he was entertaining himself for much of the morning with some DVD's in the office. He got bored with them eventually, and wandered into the school, looking for something to do. He started playing around with the weight equipment that we keep in the corner for strength training. As soon as I saw what he was doing, I watched for a bit to see that he was safe, and then went over there to help him out...and brought one of my students with me to film it. Here's the result:

As I mentioned in the clip, he's only about 64 pounds fully clothed. He was doing a Lat Pulldown with 70 lbs. The ones he did before the video was shot actually looked far better than these, but he was just playing around. Go figure. And before anyone get started on me, let me remind you all that I watched him do this by himself for several minutes before I came over to help hold him down...he was doing it for fun, not because I'm trying to make a man out of him.


As I said earlier, my 80yr old Dad is back from the hospital, and feeling better. When I was talking to Mom today, we spoke briefly about the preparations that are in place just in case his time finally comes. She mentioned that everything's already planned out and paid for, including his trip back home to be buried in the family graveyard near Greenville, TX. He also had firmly refused the casket she had picked out for him. Apparently, he didn't share Mom's taste in final resting vessels...not manly enough. "That thing's too dern got any pine boxes back there?"

He's home now, and had a wonderful meal of tamales, refried beans, and buttermilk. "Hey, I didn't plan the meal...that's what he wanted." says Mom.


Have a fabulous weekend, folks. And don't be afraid to follow your dream. It could be a silly, frivolous thing (singing karaoke), or something monumental (climbing Mt. McKinley in Alaska, North America's tallest mountain peak). But have courage, and do the things that call to you. Make your Bucket List now, and get to work. Life can be unbearably short, you know.

PS I know someone who's headed to Alaska next year...guess what they're doing?

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