Saturday, March 21, 2009

Uh oh...he's learned to use the camera-phone.

My wife has been ill for the last few days with a nasty case of chest congestion and coughing. This had led to some sleepless nights for both of us, but more so for her. Today, she slept in while I went to teach classes at my school. After I had finished, I called to check in and was surprised when my son answered the phone.

We talked for a few minutes, and he let me know that she was still sleeping peacefully in the bedroom. I told him where I was, and that I'd be back soon.

Later on, my phone rang, and I saw that it was my wife. She must have awakened..or so I thought. The little crank had figured out how to call me back on her phone. This involves a rather involved 'unlocking' process to get the virtual buttons to work on the phone, but he figured it out. Smart little fellow, that one.

When I arrived at home, he came out to meet me. He proudly informed me that he had just sent me some pictures.

"No, I didn't see that you sent anything..." and at that moment, my phone buzzed. Here are the results.

And my personal favorite...

Have a great Saturday!

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