Monday, February 10, 2014

Healing, Planning, Goal Setting

After speaking with our fabulous Green Goalie, Tom, I discovered that my 'turtle' move actually worked perfectly, and the damage was done to my back when I hit the big guy in the first place.  That's right, I did it to my own self.  It's been more than two solid weeks since I hurt my back, and I'm finally moving around almost like my old self again.  I've been able to do a kettlebell workout, and I've"jogging" a couple of times.  Seriously, I made Tim Conway look like an Olympian at first, but it's better now.  Whatever's in that DoTerra Deep Blue Rub really works.  Today, I even managed a mile with jog, sprint, walk, jog, sprint, walk approach, and managed to get up to about a 90% sprint a couple of times...that's HUGE.

It's been really hard being unable to move around, and I've had time to think about what I'm going to do as I get back to full strength.  I know I could have been thoroughly pissed off this whole time, but instead, I kept my eyes open for anything to laugh about during my recovery.  Mostly, it was the funny noises and having to move so slowly that kept me amused, but I am more than ready to get back to working my tail off.

I admit to myself that I haven't been as consistent in my workouts as I usually am, and my eating has slipped a bit.  I'm a very self-aware person, and I generally pride myself on setting an example for my students, but I know that I can do better than I have been.  The CrossFit games are rapidly approaching and I feel woefully unprepared, even had I not injured my back.  What to do, what to do?

I'm going to start over.

I'm still pretty sturdy, so I've got that going for me.   I know how to get strong, I know how to get my conditioning back, and I feel like this little setback can actually be a blessing in disguise.  Sure, I've lost some spring in my step while I healed, but now I feel like I'm a blank slate.  I can write anything I want, train any way I want, do anything I want, and I get to feel it all almost like a beginner again. That's kind of cool.

You know what?  I'm looking forward to it.  It may be too late for me to do really well in the CrossFit Games this year, but by the end of summer, I plan to be my best, strongest, fastest self.  Let's rock this.

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