Sunday, July 06, 2014

My book is here! My book is here!!

That's right!!  My proofs are here!!  I'm pretty excited, as you might expect.  I've only been imagining this for over 20 years.  Now, they're in my hands and I can actually hoooooold them!!  I have only to look them over for any last errors, and then I'll authorize them for sale.  Soon, I'll have them available on, right alongside the Kindle version, then it'll be back to work on Book 2, Gart's Road.  I've been working on various aspects of GR for some time now, and things are getting clearer and clearer as I go, so I think it'll come a lot faster than MB did.  More characters are introducing themselves and I'm seeing their stories unfold.

I wish I could hurry the process, but I really can't.  I have trouble writing on a schedule, though I realize that this is most likely due to a lack of training in that regard.  As it is right now, I have to wait until I 'see' a scene before I can write it.  It's almost like having a faulty TV that works on occasion.  When it works, I write down what I see.  When it doesn't, I have to go find something else to do.  The good news is that I'm seeing more and more lately, and that means there's more writing on the horizon.

One day, I'll have the entire story written and published.  I'm really looking forward to that...these characters and scenes have been rattling around in my noggin for quite awhile, and they...want...OUT.

Mage's Burden for know you want it!

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