Sunday, October 14, 2018

Spooky updates!

Ok, I don't really have spooky updates, but it is October, so I had to put some Halloween in here somewhere!

The Forge Born Duology is now available on Amazon! Woo hoo! I really enjoyed writing that story! The actual writing did not really take that much longer than any other book of mine, but all of the other stuff that comes along with publication took much longer than expected, so I'm glad to finally have the whole project done. You can pick up the books here:

Another project that is in the works is the audiobook version of Mage's Burden! I'm working with Gene RowleyVoicover to get this story into your ears as soon as possible, and I'm thrilled with everything I've heard so far. I have several friends who've said they'd love to read my book, but they only do audio these days, so I'm happy to be closer to seeing it 'on the shelves'. My original goal was to have it done by the end of the year, but it may well be completed much sooner than that. I'll keep you posted!

And my third bit of news is that I'm already working on another story! This one is a prequel, set long before the original trilogy, and I'm having a ton of fun with it already. I'm shooting for a single book rather than a series this time, and I hope that everyone enjoys it as much as I am.  Fans of my current books might get a bit of a shock when they read the first chapter. 😉

Everything else is rolling along here. October is always a fun and busy month, and although I'm busier than a one-armed paper hanger, I love it. Jade Mountain Martial Arts keeps me impressively busy, and I just announced at a pro wrestling event last night, dressed as a pirate, no less. We'll be heading to the Texas Renaissance Festival for a wedding soon...I might dress as a Highlander, kilt and all. Or maybe a Jedi. I'll have to think about it. In the meantime, back to writing! 

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