Monday, October 02, 2006


Friday, September 29, 2006, 1:15am

I just spent over half an hour writing a decent blog entry. I fumbled my keyboard a bit, and managed to erase the whole thing. Wow. I'm not all that happy about it. my son would say, 'Sometimes...that happens.'
In short, I wrote about my long interval run today (it went well, in spite of my asthma), and how I'm looking forward to running sprints with my students tomorrow. Half-marathon is approaching!
I wrote about the Boxing Class that I enjoyed this evening, and how I like learning new stuff. Some folks in my line of work wouldn't be caught dead learning new skills from other takes away from their image as the unassailable masters of martial arts. But I like learning new stuff. And most times, I have to take off my black belt and get a bit of a beating to do so. That's fine with me. Until we get that whole Matrix downloading thing working, I'm willing to take some shots to the head and feel like a beginner again from time to keeps me honest.
I wrote about our little getaway...we're off to a hotel for the weekend to celebrate my fabulous wife's birthday. Special thanks to her mom for watching our monkey while we're away. I hope she knows what she's let herself in for!
And I wrote about my father's upcoming battle with cancer. It's round two...he's already kicked cancer's ass once before, and it's back for a rematch. We're optimistic...Dad's a tough, tough man, and he's got a good doctor. I figure that I'll have my best chance to beat him at bowling during his recovery, but after that, all bets are off.
So that's what I wrote about. It was far more interesting and well-written the first time I wrote it, so cut me some slack's late, and I need some sleep. I'll be more careful next time, I promise!

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