Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Swimming, training, stuff.

Connor won the MVP award for swimming this year!!!  We are SO proud of him!  Last year, he was pretty much the best candidate for the LVP (Least Valuable Player), but WHAT a massive difference he's made this season!  He not only qualified for the Meet of Champs, he raced in 7 events.  SEVEN.  He also managed to beat his best times by several seconds in almost every single race.  One race, he bettered his time by 10 seconds, which is an eternity in swimming.  Wow, I am so proud of him, I can barely stand it!  Here's Connor pictured next to his awesome swim coach, Dana Abbott...

Swimming is over for now, but we'll have Connor back in the pool before too long.  Also, he's coming up to train in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu with me at Jade Mountain...this should be fuuuuun!

Speaking of training, I'm trying something new.  Bas Rutten has an O2 Trainer that is supposed to improve your breathing and increase your stamina.  I've seen the training masks out there, but something about this one appealed to me, so I ordered it.  As an aging athlete, I want to keep working to improve, and figured something like this might help me in my constant fight against my asthma.  Admittedly, it looks a bit out of the ordinary...

The device comes with 14 different levels of difficulty, this being achieved by different caps that have gradually smaller holes in them.  To increase the difficulty, put a cap on there with a smaller hole, and it makes you breathe harder.  I'm currently on a number 4, and let me tell you, my sprints were WAY more interesting when using this thing.  In BJJ class later, I noticed that I was breathing a lot better than usual.  It's too soon to know for sure, and I've only used the thing twice, so I don't want to make overly optimistic claims for its efficacy, but the occurrence has been noted.  I'll keep using it and see how it goes.

In other news, Mage's Burden is still selling a few each day, and I'm ecstatic!!!  I'm just thrilled that folks are buying it, and I'm hoping that they enjoy it.  I'm still working on the paperback version, and my goal is to have it ready available on Amazon next week.  In the meantime, here's a link to the Kindle case you want to read it!

Work on moving JMMA is continuing, and I'm optimistic.  The loan folks are looking over our application, and it's still moving along.  I've spoken to contractors and should have a handful of estimates very soon so that we'll have a better idea of what it's going to take to create our new Jade Mountain home.  Of course, I'll keep you all posted.  And by all, I mean the handful of you that actually read this thing.  ;-)

Thanks for stopping by!  Feel free to leave comments or holler at me on Facebook if you have something that you're dying to say.  Have a great day!!

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