Just another silly little survey. Sometimes, they amuse me, so here we go.
1. Do you like blue cheese? Not in the least.
2. Have you ever smoked? No, not at all.
3. Do you own a gun? Yup...a 12 gauge pump shotgun with pistol grips.
4. What flavor Kool Aid was your favorite? I never really liked the stuff.
5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? Nope.
6. What do you think of hot dogs? I like them better with turkey meat.
7. Favorite Christmas movie? It's A Wonderful Life...I watch it every year, and usually get all teary-eyed.
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? water, orange juice, and an occasional orange Monster.
9. Can you do push ups? Yes, I can usually do about 65 in a row before passing out.
10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? My wedding ring, without a doubt. I used to have a gold-plated Chinese coin necklace, a gift from my dear friend Larry. I really liked it, but lost it during a lacrosse game in Austin.
11. Favorite hobby? Reading, watching movies, playing lacrosse. I've been known to write short stories here and there.
12. Do you have A.D.D.? Not officially, no.
13. What's one trait you hate about yourself? I have trouble with keeping track of stuff I said I'd do.
14. Middle name? Whitsitt.
15. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment. Uhhhhhh...I need a shower? That's all I can come up with.
16. Name 3 drinks you regularly consume. See question 8.
17. Current worry? Taxes approach!!
18. Current hate right now? Did I mention taxes?
19. Favorite place to be? I have several...in bed with my wife, at my school, at Pho Mai, and on any lacrosse field.
20. How did you bring in the New Year? I think my wife and I just stayed home and watched movies..
21. Where would you like to go? I wouldn't mind seeing Scotland and Australia.
22. Name three people who will complete this? Whomever wishes to.
23. Do you own slippers? Nope.
24 What shirt are you wearing? Rex Kwon Do...Bow to your Sensei!
25. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? Never slept on those, so I don't have the foggiest.
26. Can you whistle? Yup.
27. Favorite color? Green
28. Would you be a pirate? Only if I could be a 'nice' pirate.
29. What songs do you sing in the shower? "If I Only Had A Brain" from the Wizard of Oz.
30. Favorite girl's name? Kelly Clarkson
31. Favorite boy's name? The one I gave my son.
32. What's in your pocket right now? I don't have pockets in my underwear.
33. Last thing that made you laugh? One of the computer marines from Halo 2 said something funny that cracked us both up.
34. Best bed sheets as a child? Disney's Robin Hood.
35. Worst injury you've ever had? Been pretty lucky...two broken toes, stretched ligaments in my knee, twisted ankles, a laceration here and there, and countless bruises. That's about it.
36. Do you love where you live? Yep, I dig it here...though I'd enjoy a house in the country.
37. How many TVs do you have in your house? 2
38. Who is your loudest friend? I don't have any that I think of as 'the loud one'.
39. How many dogs do you have? None. Used to have two pugs, whom we adored.
40. Does someone have a crush on you? Just my wife, as far as I know.
41. What is your favorite book(s)? Far too many to list. Martial arts instructionals, fantasy fiction, detective novels, the list goes on.
42. What is your favorite candy? I'm quite partial to Hershey's Milk Chocolate.
43. Favorite Sports Team? Bayou City Lacrosse Club.
44. What song do you want played at your funeral? Something upbeat...I'd rather folks have a great time celebrating my life than mourning my death.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Where's my Bliss...whoops...THERE it is!
Actually, I know where my Bliss is, and I'm following it daily. I've wanted to be a martial arts instructor since I was about 12 years old, and that's exactly what I am. I spend my days training, learning, teaching, and attempting to help others live better lives in some way through martial arts. I totally dig it.
When I was still working at an engineering firm in Houston a few years ago, I was in hot pursuit of this awesome martial arts career, and I noticed that folks around me complained about the work we were doing, about the pressure, or the lack of recognition, the usual corporate stuff. Don't get me wrong, my former place of employment was a pretty decent place to work as far as engineering firms go, but it was obvious that my life was meant for other things. Since this was so deeply true for me, and since I heard an awful lot of complaining from my coworkers, I wondered if other folks around me were meant for other careers as well. So I started asking around.
"Hey, if you could make the exact same amount of money that you make right now, but were able to do anything in the world that you wanted to do to make that money, what would you do?"
The answers were quite varied, as one might expect. But I learned something interesting over time...not one of the folks I asked this question ever answered by saying that they would stay right where they were, continuing in their current career.
Not. One.
It often took a moment or two for people to shift their thinking when I asked the question, as if they had to allow themselves the luxury of imagining their dream job, and it was just hard to do. But when they did, their faces would change, would absolutely light up, and a faraway look would come into their eyes. It didn't matter if they were young, old, male, or female. Once they allowed themselves to dream of their blissful, fabulous career in some imaginary life, it seemed that a sense of joy blossomed inside them.
"I'd sing...yes, I'd definitely sing!"
"Me? Why...I'd make fishing lures. Yeah...that'd be great!"
"I'd open a little bar. I've talked about it for years..."
"I've always wanted to live on the coast...operate a little charter fishing boat."
"Honestly? Don't laugh...I'd love to be a full-time dog walker."
It never mattered to me what folks wanted to do or be. No, what I never was able to understand was why didn't they DO something about it? The thing that gets me is that each person who would like to be doing something else, may very well be wasting precious hours, days, even years of their life in a career that holds no joy, no thrill, no true sense of self-expression. What a waste.
I know that making your way through this world of ours without a steady paycheck from a big company might be scary. And challenging. What if you fail? What if you can't make it? What if you screw up?
Sure...you might fail. And you might screw up. But it's highly likely that the sun will still rise tomorrow, no matter what you do. And you might learn something, something that allows you to do better that next day.
But what if you succeed? What if you persevere, you learn along the way, and you actually make it? WOW!! Imagine that!!
Each new day brings a new opportunity for you to succeed, doesn't it? I think it does. And why not follow your dream, chase down that Bliss? Maybe find someone who is already living that dream life, working in that dream career, and then find out how they did it?
How many hours do you spend doing something that holds no meaning for you? Why is it easier to do that, instead of doing something that you love doing? You can have a steady paycheck doing something else! Really!!! If you hate your job, then do something about it. Figure out what you love to do, something that calls you, that brings meaning into your life...then find a way to make that your career. Chances are that someone has already done it, and you might be able to learn from them.
When I look back on my life near the end, I will know that I spent my precious hours on Earth doing the things that were the most meaningful. I'll know that I spent time with my family, I helped others, and I had a blast along the way. I won't be saying, "Man, if only I hadn't spent so much time at the office!"
So, dear reader, open your mind for a bit. Allow yourself to consider some possibilities. What if you really could make a change in your career? What if you could really LOVE what you do at work each day? And what if you could be just as successful, if not more so, by doing what you love?
Think about it for awhile. Discover where your Bliss is hiding. Be brave...and go find it.
When I was still working at an engineering firm in Houston a few years ago, I was in hot pursuit of this awesome martial arts career, and I noticed that folks around me complained about the work we were doing, about the pressure, or the lack of recognition, the usual corporate stuff. Don't get me wrong, my former place of employment was a pretty decent place to work as far as engineering firms go, but it was obvious that my life was meant for other things. Since this was so deeply true for me, and since I heard an awful lot of complaining from my coworkers, I wondered if other folks around me were meant for other careers as well. So I started asking around.
"Hey, if you could make the exact same amount of money that you make right now, but were able to do anything in the world that you wanted to do to make that money, what would you do?"
The answers were quite varied, as one might expect. But I learned something interesting over time...not one of the folks I asked this question ever answered by saying that they would stay right where they were, continuing in their current career.
Not. One.
It often took a moment or two for people to shift their thinking when I asked the question, as if they had to allow themselves the luxury of imagining their dream job, and it was just hard to do. But when they did, their faces would change, would absolutely light up, and a faraway look would come into their eyes. It didn't matter if they were young, old, male, or female. Once they allowed themselves to dream of their blissful, fabulous career in some imaginary life, it seemed that a sense of joy blossomed inside them.
"I'd sing...yes, I'd definitely sing!"
"Me? Why...I'd make fishing lures. Yeah...that'd be great!"
"I'd open a little bar. I've talked about it for years..."
"I've always wanted to live on the coast...operate a little charter fishing boat."
"Honestly? Don't laugh...I'd love to be a full-time dog walker."
It never mattered to me what folks wanted to do or be. No, what I never was able to understand was why didn't they DO something about it? The thing that gets me is that each person who would like to be doing something else, may very well be wasting precious hours, days, even years of their life in a career that holds no joy, no thrill, no true sense of self-expression. What a waste.
I know that making your way through this world of ours without a steady paycheck from a big company might be scary. And challenging. What if you fail? What if you can't make it? What if you screw up?
Sure...you might fail. And you might screw up. But it's highly likely that the sun will still rise tomorrow, no matter what you do. And you might learn something, something that allows you to do better that next day.
But what if you succeed? What if you persevere, you learn along the way, and you actually make it? WOW!! Imagine that!!
Each new day brings a new opportunity for you to succeed, doesn't it? I think it does. And why not follow your dream, chase down that Bliss? Maybe find someone who is already living that dream life, working in that dream career, and then find out how they did it?
How many hours do you spend doing something that holds no meaning for you? Why is it easier to do that, instead of doing something that you love doing? You can have a steady paycheck doing something else! Really!!! If you hate your job, then do something about it. Figure out what you love to do, something that calls you, that brings meaning into your life...then find a way to make that your career. Chances are that someone has already done it, and you might be able to learn from them.
When I look back on my life near the end, I will know that I spent my precious hours on Earth doing the things that were the most meaningful. I'll know that I spent time with my family, I helped others, and I had a blast along the way. I won't be saying, "Man, if only I hadn't spent so much time at the office!"
So, dear reader, open your mind for a bit. Allow yourself to consider some possibilities. What if you really could make a change in your career? What if you could really LOVE what you do at work each day? And what if you could be just as successful, if not more so, by doing what you love?
Think about it for awhile. Discover where your Bliss is hiding. Be brave...and go find it.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Update and Survey
It's Good Friday today, and I've got one class left before taking a little holiday break. Things have been pretty cool here during Spring Break...having Monkey sleep in has been fabulous! Going to bed at 2am and waking up at 9am seems to agree with me somewhat. Now, I just have to shift that bedtime back a bit for next week when Monkey goes back to school.
Lots of little things running through my mind today...plans, hopes, and a lot of wondering. Don't know that I'm ready to articulate much of it, though. For now, I'm content to just 'be', enjoy my day, and see what shows up.
Here's another silly little survey.
1. If someone looked ON your bed, what would they find?
Rumpled covers, pillows, and my wife.
2. Last person you drove with?
Christina and the Monkey
3. Where did you go today?
Nowhere yet, but I'm planning to hit Jade Mountain, the bank, and Wal Mart.
4. Sleep on your back or stomach?
Side and back
5. Are you a cuddler?
Mostly...I occasionally need to stretch out, though
6. What would someone find UNDER your bed?
Books and plastic bins of clothes
7. Something that happened today that made you angry?
Hmmm.....nope. Not a thing.
8. What were you doing before this survey?
Ordering some new elbow pads from the 'net.
9. What will you do after the survey?
Get dressed and head to Jade Mountain.
10. Last really funny thing you laughed at?
Pros vs. Joes.
11. What shirt are you wearing now?
White undershirt. I know...sexy, right?
12. Do you sing?
In the shower, baby...in the shower.
13. Who will you see the most this weekend besides family?
Aliens and Charlton Heston...I plan to play Halo 2 until I puke, and watch Ben Hur.
14. Do you talk about your feelings or hide them?
I'm pretty open with those close to me.
15. Is there something you regret and wish you could take back?
Oh my goodness, yes. Living means learning, which usually means making mistakes. I've made my share, to be sure.
16. First thing you do when you wake up?
Try to get one eye open and figure out what the heck is going on.
17. Ever had surgery?
Just on my right wrist...had a cyst removed back in my early 20's.
18. What do you want to be?
Actually, I already am what I want to be. I'm loved, happy, relatively successful, and in good health. And I get to wear pajamas to work.
19. What do you think about the person who commented you last?
He's one of my best friends in the world (and I don't have many), and I think he's a fantastic guy. He's smart, funny, multi-talented, thoughtful, and lots of other great things. And he has the uncanny ability to put up with my crap.
20. How long does it take for you to fall asleep at night?
Not as long as it used to...I'm usually about to drop when I finally lay down.
21. Is there a meaning behind the song on your myspace?
It's just one of my favorites. And I can sing it in the shower. May change it today, though.
22. When you shut off your alarm clock, do you tend to fall back asleep?
I may snooze once, but when the alarm goes off, I usually need to get moving.
23. Does anyone like you?
I certainly hope so.
24. What are you looking forward to in the next few months?
Continuing my martial arts education in a couple of key areas.
25. It's midnight, who are you texting?
I'm probably hassling BB to do some workout or other.
26. It's Wednesday night, where are you usually?
Teaching class 'til 8:30 or 8:45, then home.
27. Do you run stop signs?
Not at all...our local police are quite vigilant.
28. Do you play an instrument?
I play the clarinet astonishingly well. Er, at least that's what my Mom says.
27. What's something you dislike?
Taxes. Definitely taxes.
28. You need a new pair of jeans, what store do you go to first?
Uh...I haven't actually purchased a new pair of jeans in years. Who sells Levi's nowadays?
29. How do you feel about your hair?
It's still there, just not as much as before. I miss my old hairline!
30. If you could move away, no questions asked, where would you move?
And do what? With whom? How much money is involved? Silly question. I like it here in Katy, although I'd love to have a small ranch somewhere in Texas as a retreat.
31. Last person you talked to on aim?
Uh...I don't use AIM.
32. What's the greatest thing that happened to you today?
I slept late, enjoyed breakfast with my son, and ordered some new elbow pads
--------Ok, 33-39 were missing, so I'm making them up myself.----
33. What have you always wanted to do but haven't quite accomplished?
I'd like to finish and publish a novel. I love to write, but never finished that trilogy I started over a decade ago.
34. If you had to choose another job, what would it be?
Probably a college professor. I truly love teaching, whatever the subject.
35. So which would you choose...love, money, or fame?
Love. Without a doubt, love. You can always make more money, and fame brings its own set of problems...but with the right person beside you, you can do anything.
36. Whom do you take after more, your Mom or your Dad?
I tend to remember Mom's words and Dad's quiet example, and live by a combination of them both. I think I got my tenacity from Mom and my work ethic from Dad.
37. What's your favorite junk food?
Chocolate pie, Froot Loops, and Coke. Not all at the same time, though.
38. Favorite place for lunch?
Pho Mai in Katy. Man, I could go for some noodles right now!
39. If you could go back in time to when you were 21, what would you tell yourself?
"There will be ups and downs ahead. You will experience both tragedy and joy. There will be hard decisions to make. Above all, be patient, follow your heart and dreams, and there will come a day that you realize that you absolutely adore your life."
-------And now, back to the original survey----------------------
40. How many TRUE best friends do you have?I have a very, very small group of friends with whom I'd trust my life and everything that it entails. They are treasures, each and every one.
Lots of little things running through my mind today...plans, hopes, and a lot of wondering. Don't know that I'm ready to articulate much of it, though. For now, I'm content to just 'be', enjoy my day, and see what shows up.
Here's another silly little survey.
1. If someone looked ON your bed, what would they find?
Rumpled covers, pillows, and my wife.
2. Last person you drove with?
Christina and the Monkey
3. Where did you go today?
Nowhere yet, but I'm planning to hit Jade Mountain, the bank, and Wal Mart.
4. Sleep on your back or stomach?
Side and back
5. Are you a cuddler?
Mostly...I occasionally need to stretch out, though
6. What would someone find UNDER your bed?
Books and plastic bins of clothes
7. Something that happened today that made you angry?
Hmmm.....nope. Not a thing.
8. What were you doing before this survey?
Ordering some new elbow pads from the 'net.
9. What will you do after the survey?
Get dressed and head to Jade Mountain.
10. Last really funny thing you laughed at?
Pros vs. Joes.
11. What shirt are you wearing now?
White undershirt. I know...sexy, right?
12. Do you sing?
In the shower, baby...in the shower.
13. Who will you see the most this weekend besides family?
Aliens and Charlton Heston...I plan to play Halo 2 until I puke, and watch Ben Hur.
14. Do you talk about your feelings or hide them?
I'm pretty open with those close to me.
15. Is there something you regret and wish you could take back?
Oh my goodness, yes. Living means learning, which usually means making mistakes. I've made my share, to be sure.
16. First thing you do when you wake up?
Try to get one eye open and figure out what the heck is going on.
17. Ever had surgery?
Just on my right wrist...had a cyst removed back in my early 20's.
18. What do you want to be?
Actually, I already am what I want to be. I'm loved, happy, relatively successful, and in good health. And I get to wear pajamas to work.
19. What do you think about the person who commented you last?
He's one of my best friends in the world (and I don't have many), and I think he's a fantastic guy. He's smart, funny, multi-talented, thoughtful, and lots of other great things. And he has the uncanny ability to put up with my crap.
20. How long does it take for you to fall asleep at night?
Not as long as it used to...I'm usually about to drop when I finally lay down.
21. Is there a meaning behind the song on your myspace?
It's just one of my favorites. And I can sing it in the shower. May change it today, though.
22. When you shut off your alarm clock, do you tend to fall back asleep?
I may snooze once, but when the alarm goes off, I usually need to get moving.
23. Does anyone like you?
I certainly hope so.
24. What are you looking forward to in the next few months?
Continuing my martial arts education in a couple of key areas.
25. It's midnight, who are you texting?
I'm probably hassling BB to do some workout or other.
26. It's Wednesday night, where are you usually?
Teaching class 'til 8:30 or 8:45, then home.
27. Do you run stop signs?
Not at all...our local police are quite vigilant.
28. Do you play an instrument?
I play the clarinet astonishingly well. Er, at least that's what my Mom says.
27. What's something you dislike?
Taxes. Definitely taxes.
28. You need a new pair of jeans, what store do you go to first?
Uh...I haven't actually purchased a new pair of jeans in years. Who sells Levi's nowadays?
29. How do you feel about your hair?
It's still there, just not as much as before. I miss my old hairline!
30. If you could move away, no questions asked, where would you move?
And do what? With whom? How much money is involved? Silly question. I like it here in Katy, although I'd love to have a small ranch somewhere in Texas as a retreat.
31. Last person you talked to on aim?
Uh...I don't use AIM.
32. What's the greatest thing that happened to you today?
I slept late, enjoyed breakfast with my son, and ordered some new elbow pads
--------Ok, 33-39 were missing, so I'm making them up myself.----
33. What have you always wanted to do but haven't quite accomplished?
I'd like to finish and publish a novel. I love to write, but never finished that trilogy I started over a decade ago.
34. If you had to choose another job, what would it be?
Probably a college professor. I truly love teaching, whatever the subject.
35. So which would you choose...love, money, or fame?
Love. Without a doubt, love. You can always make more money, and fame brings its own set of problems...but with the right person beside you, you can do anything.
36. Whom do you take after more, your Mom or your Dad?
I tend to remember Mom's words and Dad's quiet example, and live by a combination of them both. I think I got my tenacity from Mom and my work ethic from Dad.
37. What's your favorite junk food?
Chocolate pie, Froot Loops, and Coke. Not all at the same time, though.
38. Favorite place for lunch?
Pho Mai in Katy. Man, I could go for some noodles right now!
39. If you could go back in time to when you were 21, what would you tell yourself?
"There will be ups and downs ahead. You will experience both tragedy and joy. There will be hard decisions to make. Above all, be patient, follow your heart and dreams, and there will come a day that you realize that you absolutely adore your life."
-------And now, back to the original survey----------------------
40. How many TRUE best friends do you have?I have a very, very small group of friends with whom I'd trust my life and everything that it entails. They are treasures, each and every one.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
We won, we won!!!
And after a rather slow start, the Bayou City Lacrosse Club has finally won a game this season! Yay! We picked up a few new players recently, and many of our absent regulars showed up for the game as well, so we finally had a handful of subs on the sidelines today. The score was something like 10-4.
In addition, I've been running windsprints and interval drills almost every day for the last two weeks, so I'm pleased to report that I was hauling my big ol' butt up and down the field with more enthusiasm than ever. I managed to knock another opponent off his feet, and I also scored a goal with my 'Bugs Bunny Slowball' shooting style. I'm guessing that the goalie thought it would be coming at him WAY faster than it actually did. And the weird bounce my shot took helped as well.
And so, I'm already looking forward to the next game, which will be in Beaumont. Haven't been there in years, but I'm planning to knock 'em dead upon my arrival. I've got another two weeks to do more windsprints. ;-)
In addition, I've been running windsprints and interval drills almost every day for the last two weeks, so I'm pleased to report that I was hauling my big ol' butt up and down the field with more enthusiasm than ever. I managed to knock another opponent off his feet, and I also scored a goal with my 'Bugs Bunny Slowball' shooting style. I'm guessing that the goalie thought it would be coming at him WAY faster than it actually did. And the weird bounce my shot took helped as well.
And so, I'm already looking forward to the next game, which will be in Beaumont. Haven't been there in years, but I'm planning to knock 'em dead upon my arrival. I've got another two weeks to do more windsprints. ;-)
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Goodbye, Pinkeye!
Nasty thing, that pinkeye. We noticed that Monkey had a touch of it on Sunday. We started drops on him right away, and it cleared up before day's end. Of course, I woke up with it on Monday. DRAT! I HATE pinkeye! It itches, it's nasty, and until the drops start working, it's quite communicable. Many drops and a day later, pinkeye has beat a hasty retreat under the antibiotic beatdown of whatever drops we were given. Glad that's over with.
As if a little pinkeye isn't enough, poor Monkey went to bed with a fever last night. He woke up without it, but was still listless and had a cough, so we kept him home today. He's been a great kid, took his medicine without a fuss, and generally just rested and got his strength back. Back to school tomorrow for him. Did I mention that he got three awards last week? Perfect Attendance, the Principals Award, and something else I can't recall. Go Monkey!!
My darling wife is on an overnight babysitting job, watching two adorable little girls until late tomorrow evening, so I have some quiet time to myself. And now, I don't really know what to do with it. Most likely, I'll watch some BJJ videos, read a bit, or just get to bed before midnight for a change.
My workouts are going well, though I need to spend more time on certain aspects of my training. In martial arts, there is always something to learn, practice, and eventually master...that's why I love my job! It never gets old to me.
I'm sure there's something funny I could write about tonight, or some statement I'd like to make, but sometimes, it's probably enough to just say 'Howdy'. So have a great night, and I'll do my best to write something interesting next time.
As if a little pinkeye isn't enough, poor Monkey went to bed with a fever last night. He woke up without it, but was still listless and had a cough, so we kept him home today. He's been a great kid, took his medicine without a fuss, and generally just rested and got his strength back. Back to school tomorrow for him. Did I mention that he got three awards last week? Perfect Attendance, the Principals Award, and something else I can't recall. Go Monkey!!
My darling wife is on an overnight babysitting job, watching two adorable little girls until late tomorrow evening, so I have some quiet time to myself. And now, I don't really know what to do with it. Most likely, I'll watch some BJJ videos, read a bit, or just get to bed before midnight for a change.
My workouts are going well, though I need to spend more time on certain aspects of my training. In martial arts, there is always something to learn, practice, and eventually master...that's why I love my job! It never gets old to me.
I'm sure there's something funny I could write about tonight, or some statement I'd like to make, but sometimes, it's probably enough to just say 'Howdy'. So have a great night, and I'll do my best to write something interesting next time.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Too old for this? Nah.
So by the end of last years lacrosse season, I was one of the 'hitters' on our team. Somehow, I had just improved a ton in that area, and quite frankly, I enjoyed it. This year, I worked on my sprints and footwork so that I could do even better on the field this season...and it has not exactly gone the way I planned.
I've had a couple of hits so far. Two, to be exact. But that's it. I've bounced off of several folks, though, if that counts for anything. Hmmm. Time to change tactics.
Earlier this season, we ended up playing Ironman again (that's when you only have 10 players...no substitutes to allow your guys to rest), and I ended up facing off. I haven't faced off in years. The team we were playing against was extremely good at faceoffs. Dang. Our team captain suggested that I just slam my opponent as soon as the whistle blows, drive him off the ball, and try to turn around and pick it up. I figured that was a better plan than I brought with me, so I tried it....and it worked! Not foolproof, mind you, but I managed to frustrate the other guys just a bit, and even won some of those faceoffs for my team. Yay!
I have not become the team's official faceoff guy as a result. I'm not the official anything, really. To be honest, I'm just thrilled to be able to get out there and play the game in any capacity that I'm able. I love hauling my butt across the field, chasing and being chased, dodging between defenders as I try desperately to fight my way through to pass or shoot, and yes, knocking someone off their feet when I get the chance. I love it, and I'm going to keep playing as long as they'll let me.
Recently, I attended a party immediately following one of my games, and a younger brother-in-law heard me mention that I had just played that day. He asked how it went, and I responded with some colorful stories from the game, gleefully describing the hits, the running, the whole bit.
"How old are you, Whit?" he asked.
"Huh? I'm 38." I didn't see the relevance of the question at the time.
"Wow...still playing lacrosse at 38." He shook his head in disbelief that an old fogey like me could still play a contact sport.
My thought on the matter is this...all my body parts are working. No, I'm not 20 anymore. In fact, I'll never be 20 again, or 25, or even 30. But I can still run, walk, stagger, and crawl. I can still make use of this body of mine, and I plan to do so until I can't anymore. And the amazing thing about the human body is that it generally adapts to your activity level.
A word about my Dad...he's almost 80. Years ago, two of my uncles decided to challenge him to a tennis match (He had a tendency to beat them at tennis, bowling, and golf), and he happily accepted. They had a plan, though...they would tag-team him. One brother would play him for awhile and tire him out, then the other brother would step in and finish him off. It seemed like a great idea.
My Dad has never been the prettiest athlete. He's tall, and kind of gangly in motion. When my uncle hit the ball to Dad's far side, he just barely made it over there to return it...but he did. My uncle ran my Dad all over the court, but Dad somehow made it each time.
Uncle #1 started to get tired. He played as long as he could before calling in Uncle #2, and finally dragged off to the shade to rest. Dad stood there, dripping sweat...and ready. I can still hear his raspy, twangy voice saying, "Well, get on with it!" Uncle #2 had a wide smile as he got ready to serve...which disappeared when the ball came flying back to his far side, unreachable.
"Hey, I thought you were supposed to tire Willie out?!" he called back to his brother in the shade.
A feeble voice came from the lawn chair in the shade. "I did the best I could!"
And I remember my Dad laughing, happy to feel the joy in being active, the sun on his skin, the breeze in his face, happy to be playing a game just for the fun of it...and getting a kick out of beating my uncles.
Back then, my uncles were 30 years old, or so.
My Dad was 50 at the time.
So at 38, I've still got a lot of years of playing ahead of me. Heck, I'm just a kid, by my Dad's standards. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got some wind sprints to run. And thanks, Dad...for setting a great example.

William W. McClendon Jr.
Or as I know him, "Dad."
I've had a couple of hits so far. Two, to be exact. But that's it. I've bounced off of several folks, though, if that counts for anything. Hmmm. Time to change tactics.
Earlier this season, we ended up playing Ironman again (that's when you only have 10 players...no substitutes to allow your guys to rest), and I ended up facing off. I haven't faced off in years. The team we were playing against was extremely good at faceoffs. Dang. Our team captain suggested that I just slam my opponent as soon as the whistle blows, drive him off the ball, and try to turn around and pick it up. I figured that was a better plan than I brought with me, so I tried it....and it worked! Not foolproof, mind you, but I managed to frustrate the other guys just a bit, and even won some of those faceoffs for my team. Yay!
I have not become the team's official faceoff guy as a result. I'm not the official anything, really. To be honest, I'm just thrilled to be able to get out there and play the game in any capacity that I'm able. I love hauling my butt across the field, chasing and being chased, dodging between defenders as I try desperately to fight my way through to pass or shoot, and yes, knocking someone off their feet when I get the chance. I love it, and I'm going to keep playing as long as they'll let me.
Recently, I attended a party immediately following one of my games, and a younger brother-in-law heard me mention that I had just played that day. He asked how it went, and I responded with some colorful stories from the game, gleefully describing the hits, the running, the whole bit.
"How old are you, Whit?" he asked.
"Huh? I'm 38." I didn't see the relevance of the question at the time.
"Wow...still playing lacrosse at 38." He shook his head in disbelief that an old fogey like me could still play a contact sport.
My thought on the matter is this...all my body parts are working. No, I'm not 20 anymore. In fact, I'll never be 20 again, or 25, or even 30. But I can still run, walk, stagger, and crawl. I can still make use of this body of mine, and I plan to do so until I can't anymore. And the amazing thing about the human body is that it generally adapts to your activity level.
A word about my Dad...he's almost 80. Years ago, two of my uncles decided to challenge him to a tennis match (He had a tendency to beat them at tennis, bowling, and golf), and he happily accepted. They had a plan, though...they would tag-team him. One brother would play him for awhile and tire him out, then the other brother would step in and finish him off. It seemed like a great idea.
My Dad has never been the prettiest athlete. He's tall, and kind of gangly in motion. When my uncle hit the ball to Dad's far side, he just barely made it over there to return it...but he did. My uncle ran my Dad all over the court, but Dad somehow made it each time.
Uncle #1 started to get tired. He played as long as he could before calling in Uncle #2, and finally dragged off to the shade to rest. Dad stood there, dripping sweat...and ready. I can still hear his raspy, twangy voice saying, "Well, get on with it!" Uncle #2 had a wide smile as he got ready to serve...which disappeared when the ball came flying back to his far side, unreachable.
"Hey, I thought you were supposed to tire Willie out?!" he called back to his brother in the shade.
A feeble voice came from the lawn chair in the shade. "I did the best I could!"
And I remember my Dad laughing, happy to feel the joy in being active, the sun on his skin, the breeze in his face, happy to be playing a game just for the fun of it...and getting a kick out of beating my uncles.
Back then, my uncles were 30 years old, or so.
My Dad was 50 at the time.
So at 38, I've still got a lot of years of playing ahead of me. Heck, I'm just a kid, by my Dad's standards. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got some wind sprints to run. And thanks, Dad...for setting a great example.
William W. McClendon Jr.
Or as I know him, "Dad."
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