Friday, March 21, 2008

Update and Survey

It's Good Friday today, and I've got one class left before taking a little holiday break. Things have been pretty cool here during Spring Break...having Monkey sleep in has been fabulous! Going to bed at 2am and waking up at 9am seems to agree with me somewhat. Now, I just have to shift that bedtime back a bit for next week when Monkey goes back to school.

Lots of little things running through my mind today...plans, hopes, and a lot of wondering. Don't know that I'm ready to articulate much of it, though. For now, I'm content to just 'be', enjoy my day, and see what shows up.

Here's another silly little survey.

1. If someone looked ON your bed, what would they find?
Rumpled covers, pillows, and my wife.

2. Last person you drove with?
Christina and the Monkey

3. Where did you go today?
Nowhere yet, but I'm planning to hit Jade Mountain, the bank, and Wal Mart.

4. Sleep on your back or stomach?
Side and back

5. Are you a cuddler?
Mostly...I occasionally need to stretch out, though

6. What would someone find UNDER your bed?
Books and plastic bins of clothes

7. Something that happened today that made you angry?
Hmmm.....nope. Not a thing.

8. What were you doing before this survey?
Ordering some new elbow pads from the 'net.

9. What will you do after the survey?
Get dressed and head to Jade Mountain.

10. Last really funny thing you laughed at?
Pros vs. Joes.

11. What shirt are you wearing now?
White undershirt. I, right?

12. Do you sing?
In the shower, the shower.

13. Who will you see the most this weekend besides family?
Aliens and Charlton Heston...I plan to play Halo 2 until I puke, and watch Ben Hur.

14. Do you talk about your feelings or hide them?
I'm pretty open with those close to me.

15. Is there something you regret and wish you could take back?
Oh my goodness, yes. Living means learning, which usually means making mistakes. I've made my share, to be sure.

16. First thing you do when you wake up?
Try to get one eye open and figure out what the heck is going on.

17. Ever had surgery?
Just on my right wrist...had a cyst removed back in my early 20's.

18. What do you want to be?
Actually, I already am what I want to be. I'm loved, happy, relatively successful, and in good health. And I get to wear pajamas to work.

19. What do you think about the person who commented you last?
He's one of my best friends in the world (and I don't have many), and I think he's a fantastic guy. He's smart, funny, multi-talented, thoughtful, and lots of other great things. And he has the uncanny ability to put up with my crap.

20. How long does it take for you to fall asleep at night?
Not as long as it used to...I'm usually about to drop when I finally lay down.

21. Is there a meaning behind the song on your myspace?
It's just one of my favorites. And I can sing it in the shower. May change it today, though.

22. When you shut off your alarm clock, do you tend to fall back asleep?
I may snooze once, but when the alarm goes off, I usually need to get moving.

23. Does anyone like you?
I certainly hope so.

24. What are you looking forward to in the next few months?
Continuing my martial arts education in a couple of key areas.

25. It's midnight, who are you texting?
I'm probably hassling BB to do some workout or other.

26. It's Wednesday night, where are you usually?
Teaching class 'til 8:30 or 8:45, then home.

27. Do you run stop signs?
Not at all...our local police are quite vigilant.

28. Do you play an instrument?
I play the clarinet astonishingly well. Er, at least that's what my Mom says.

27. What's something you dislike?
Taxes. Definitely taxes.

28. You need a new pair of jeans, what store do you go to first?
Uh...I haven't actually purchased a new pair of jeans in years. Who sells Levi's nowadays?

29. How do you feel about your hair?
It's still there, just not as much as before. I miss my old hairline!

30. If you could move away, no questions asked, where would you move?
And do what? With whom? How much money is involved? Silly question. I like it here in Katy, although I'd love to have a small ranch somewhere in Texas as a retreat.

31. Last person you talked to on aim?
Uh...I don't use AIM.

32. What's the greatest thing that happened to you today?
I slept late, enjoyed breakfast with my son, and ordered some new elbow pads

--------Ok, 33-39 were missing, so I'm making them up myself.----

33. What have you always wanted to do but haven't quite accomplished?
I'd like to finish and publish a novel. I love to write, but never finished that trilogy I started over a decade ago.

34. If you had to choose another job, what would it be?
Probably a college professor. I truly love teaching, whatever the subject.

35. So which would you, money, or fame?
Love. Without a doubt, love. You can always make more money, and fame brings its own set of problems...but with the right person beside you, you can do anything.

36. Whom do you take after more, your Mom or your Dad?
I tend to remember Mom's words and Dad's quiet example, and live by a combination of them both. I think I got my tenacity from Mom and my work ethic from Dad.

37. What's your favorite junk food?
Chocolate pie, Froot Loops, and Coke. Not all at the same time, though.

38. Favorite place for lunch?
Pho Mai in Katy. Man, I could go for some noodles right now!

39. If you could go back in time to when you were 21, what would you tell yourself?
"There will be ups and downs ahead. You will experience both tragedy and joy. There will be hard decisions to make. Above all, be patient, follow your heart and dreams, and there will come a day that you realize that you absolutely adore your life."

-------And now, back to the original survey----------------------

40. How many TRUE best friends do you have?I have a very, very small group of friends with whom I'd trust my life and everything that it entails. They are treasures, each and every one.

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