Sunday, March 16, 2008

We won, we won!!!

And after a rather slow start, the Bayou City Lacrosse Club has finally won a game this season! Yay! We picked up a few new players recently, and many of our absent regulars showed up for the game as well, so we finally had a handful of subs on the sidelines today. The score was something like 10-4.

In addition, I've been running windsprints and interval drills almost every day for the last two weeks, so I'm pleased to report that I was hauling my big ol' butt up and down the field with more enthusiasm than ever. I managed to knock another opponent off his feet, and I also scored a goal with my 'Bugs Bunny Slowball' shooting style. I'm guessing that the goalie thought it would be coming at him WAY faster than it actually did. And the weird bounce my shot took helped as well.

And so, I'm already looking forward to the next game, which will be in Beaumont. Haven't been there in years, but I'm planning to knock 'em dead upon my arrival. I've got another two weeks to do more windsprints. ;-)

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