Saturday, March 22, 2008

Where's my Bliss...whoops...THERE it is!

Actually, I know where my Bliss is, and I'm following it daily. I've wanted to be a martial arts instructor since I was about 12 years old, and that's exactly what I am. I spend my days training, learning, teaching, and attempting to help others live better lives in some way through martial arts. I totally dig it.

When I was still working at an engineering firm in Houston a few years ago, I was in hot pursuit of this awesome martial arts career, and I noticed that folks around me complained about the work we were doing, about the pressure, or the lack of recognition, the usual corporate stuff. Don't get me wrong, my former place of employment was a pretty decent place to work as far as engineering firms go, but it was obvious that my life was meant for other things. Since this was so deeply true for me, and since I heard an awful lot of complaining from my coworkers, I wondered if other folks around me were meant for other careers as well. So I started asking around.

"Hey, if you could make the exact same amount of money that you make right now, but were able to do anything in the world that you wanted to do to make that money, what would you do?"

The answers were quite varied, as one might expect. But I learned something interesting over time...not one of the folks I asked this question ever answered by saying that they would stay right where they were, continuing in their current career.

Not. One.

It often took a moment or two for people to shift their thinking when I asked the question, as if they had to allow themselves the luxury of imagining their dream job, and it was just hard to do. But when they did, their faces would change, would absolutely light up, and a faraway look would come into their eyes. It didn't matter if they were young, old, male, or female. Once they allowed themselves to dream of their blissful, fabulous career in some imaginary life, it seemed that a sense of joy blossomed inside them.

"I'd sing...yes, I'd definitely sing!"

"Me? Why...I'd make fishing lures. Yeah...that'd be great!"

"I'd open a little bar. I've talked about it for years..."

"I've always wanted to live on the coast...operate a little charter fishing boat."

"Honestly? Don't laugh...I'd love to be a full-time dog walker."

It never mattered to me what folks wanted to do or be. No, what I never was able to understand was why didn't they DO something about it? The thing that gets me is that each person who would like to be doing something else, may very well be wasting precious hours, days, even years of their life in a career that holds no joy, no thrill, no true sense of self-expression. What a waste.

I know that making your way through this world of ours without a steady paycheck from a big company might be scary. And challenging. What if you fail? What if you can't make it? What if you screw up? might fail. And you might screw up. But it's highly likely that the sun will still rise tomorrow, no matter what you do. And you might learn something, something that allows you to do better that next day.

But what if you succeed? What if you persevere, you learn along the way, and you actually make it? WOW!! Imagine that!!

Each new day brings a new opportunity for you to succeed, doesn't it? I think it does. And why not follow your dream, chase down that Bliss? Maybe find someone who is already living that dream life, working in that dream career, and then find out how they did it?

How many hours do you spend doing something that holds no meaning for you? Why is it easier to do that, instead of doing something that you love doing? You can have a steady paycheck doing something else! Really!!! If you hate your job, then do something about it. Figure out what you love to do, something that calls you, that brings meaning into your life...then find a way to make that your career. Chances are that someone has already done it, and you might be able to learn from them.

When I look back on my life near the end, I will know that I spent my precious hours on Earth doing the things that were the most meaningful. I'll know that I spent time with my family, I helped others, and I had a blast along the way. I won't be saying, "Man, if only I hadn't spent so much time at the office!"

So, dear reader, open your mind for a bit. Allow yourself to consider some possibilities. What if you really could make a change in your career? What if you could really LOVE what you do at work each day? And what if you could be just as successful, if not more so, by doing what you love?

Think about it for awhile. Discover where your Bliss is hiding. Be brave...and go find it.

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