Friday, September 12, 2008

Ike Update, midnight. Windy!

We've had a couple more power outages, but again, they only lasted for a few minutes. We did have a few bad moments when we thought the A/C might be broken, but it's working fine now that I've changed the filter. Wow, that thing was clogged!! Anyway, it's pretty much business as usual around here, except that Monkey's up far later than his accustomed bedtime. Otherwise, Christina's playing Lego Star Wars like a fiend, and I'm surfing the 'net, doing nothing terribly important. If everything's intact in the morning, it'll probably be more of the same. We've cancelled classes at Jade Mountain, so I've actually got a Saturday off. Hopefully, there won't be any big problems to deal with, but we'll just have to wait and see.

Stay safe out there. And find something that makes you laugh. It's good for ya!

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