Sunday, September 14, 2008

Yard Cleanup, my Dad, etc.

We waited until today to get started on the yard cleanup, thinking it would be drier. Wrong! It rained like crazy last night!! There were a few parts of Katy that were flooded, but nothing too bad. So after letting it dry up a bit, we donned gloves, workboots, and hats, and got to work.

I hope you enjoyed Connor's dance...he's a natural!


We found out last night that my Dad's got pneumonia in one lung, so he's been admitted to Elkhart General Hospital. He's in room 2110, and should be there for a week or less, in case anyone wants to call. He's been pretty weak for the last several days or so, and we're glad to at least find out what's been causing the trouble. Antibiotics are hopefully kicking that crap out of his lung so that he can get back to being cantankerous as ever.


Parts of Houston are still without power, and flooded. Galveston (as you might imagine) is an absolute wreck. Our hearts go out to those who have suffered during this storm...and I'm grateful that we've escaped unscathed.

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