Tuesday, August 19, 2014

More News on Mage's Burden

I'm excited to announce that I'll be doing an author's booksigning for Mage's Burden at Katy Budget Books on Saturday, September 27, at 1pm!  This is definitely something I'll check off of my bucket list!  I'm very much looking forward to it, to say the least.  This will be the first (and maybe the only) bookstore that will be offering my book, and I couldn't be more pleased.  I've shopped there for many years, so this is pretty cool for me.  If you're in the Katy area that day, stop by and say hi!

I've had another author interview published, as well.  You can find it here:  http://www.thetimewarriors.co.uk/blog/?p=30974

Still more news!  I've found an armorer willing to finish construction of my own version of the weapon, the Jidaan, that I created for the story.  The blade is fine, and although the current pommel works just fine in terms of balance and movement, I still wanted to find something more along the lines of what I see in my mind's eye.  I like the sketches so far, so I'm looking forward to seeing what http://www.dragonsbreathforge.com/ can do with this project.

Work on Book 2 continues, albeit at a slower pace than I'd like.  There is an awful lot going on with Jade Mountain at the moment, what with the upcoming move and all.  Even so, I'm managing to get in a bit of work here and there.  As always, I'm having a ton of fun with the story.  I've recently likened my writing to surfing YouTube on a slow connection.  Sometimes, I can see the scenes very clearly and I write a lot, while other times, there's a lot of buffering going on, and it takes forever for me to get things moving.  Either way, it's fun.  I'll keep y'all posted!  One of these days, Book 2 will be ready for publishing as well!

1 comment:

bbthelpc said...

Good interview! Briscoe